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Department of Railway Construction Engineering
Kook-hwan Cho
Geotechnical Engineering
Journal Papers
◾ Study on Quality Characteristics of Fine Aggregate for Manufacturing PSC Sleepers on Ballast Track, Journal of the Korean Society for Railway, vol.27 No.10 pp.845~856, 2024조국환
◾ Prediction of Freezing Air Temperature Distribution in the Entire Railway Tunnel According to Tunnel Length and Outside Air Temperature, Transportation research board, 2024조국환
◾ Analytical Study of Optimal Ballast Thickness on Ballasted Track with Asphalt Subballast Layer, Journal of the Korean Society for Railway, vol.27 No.3 pp.213~222, 2024조국환
◾ A Study on the Under Track Evaluation Method in Tunnel Using Impact Echo Test, Journal of the korean society for railway, vol.27 No.1 pp.82~89, 2024조국환
◾ Temperature Condition Analysis for Freezing on Tunnel Lining Back Side According to Tunnel Length, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, vol.13 No.24, 2023조국환
◾ Dynamic Responses of Steel-Arch Railway Bridge due to Snake Motion of Urban Railway Vehicles, Juurnal of the Korea Academia-Industrial, vol.24 No.8 pp.436~444, 2023조국환
◾ Stability Study Using Numerical Analysis for the Panel Method Applied to the Weathered Rock Section below the National Highway, 한국방재학회논문집, vol.21 No.5 pp.213~220, 2021조국환
◾ TemPerature Distribution of Railway Tunnels in Winter, journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, 2021조국환
◾ Comparative Analysis of Support Stiffness Based on On-Site Laying of Rectangular Rarallelepiped Fiber Reinforcement Sack, journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, 2020조국환
◾ Measurement Management System Using LoRa, Sensor Node, and Cloud Platform, journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.20 No.6 pp.143~150, 2020조국환
◾ Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics of Deformed Concrete Slab Track on Transition Zone in High-Speed Train Line According to Train Speeds, applied sciences, vol.10 No.20, 2020조국환
◾ 다채널 충격반향법을 활용한 철도 콘크리트 궤도 슬래브 TCL/HSB 층분리 평가, Journal of the Korean Society for Railway, vol.23 No.7 pp.600~614, 2020조국환
◾ Analysis of Vibration of Slab Track in TBM Tunnel According to Bottom Filling Materials, Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.19 No.7 pp.27~37, 2019조국환
◾ 철도터널 하부 여굴처리 방법에 대한 정적 및 동적 안정성 검토, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR RAILWAY, vol.20 No.5 pp.668~682, 2017조국환
◾ 발파실험과 내진해석을 통한 Anchor의 동적 저항성에 관한 연구, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR RAILWAY, vol.20 No.4 pp.500~511, 2017조국환
◾ The Ground Investigation Technique of Railway Using Pagani Cone Test, The Korean Society For Railway, vol.19 No.6 pp.792~801, 2016조국환
◾ A Correlation Analysis on Earth Pressure and Subgrade Stiffness in Bridge Abutment Transition Zone, Journal of the korean society for railway, vol.19 No.5 pp.647~655, 2016조국환
◾ 비개착공법으로 건설된 지하구조물 주변 지반 응력이완영역 규명, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR RAILWAY, vol.19 No.4 pp.480~488, 2016조국환
◾ Reliability analysis of surface settlement during shield TBM tunneling, JOURNAL OF KOREAN TUNNELING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE ASSOCIATION, vol.18 No.3 pp.305~318, 2016조국환
◾ Analysis of the Relationship between Concrete Slab Track Life and Secondary Compression Characteristics in Soft Clay, Journal of the Korean Society for Railway, vol.19 No.2 pp.195~203, 2016조국환
◾ P-y Curves from Large Displacement Borehole Testmeter for Railway Bridge Foundation, jounal of korean society of hazard mitigation, vol.16 No.1 pp.187~192, 2016조국환
◾ Determination of the first-flush criteria from railway bridge area, Desalination and Water Treatment, vol.57 No.2 pp.694~708, 2016조국환
◾ Determining hydraulic conductivity parameters of porous asphalt concrete using Bayesian parameter estimation, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, vol.19 pp.1277~1281, 2015조국환
◾ Stability analysis of subway box structure supported by modified underpinning method, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, vol.50 No.0 pp.199~208, 2015조국환
◾ Assessement of Long Term Stability of Railway Bridge Abutment Using Geosynthetics Tube, Korea Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.15 No.2 pp.151~158, 2015조국환
◾ A Resonance Stability of Temporary Bridge Bearing Method Passing Underneath Existing Subway Structure, Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.15 No.2 pp.259~267, 2015조국환
◾ 지하철 하부를 통과하는 가교형 받침공법 안정성, 한국방재학회논문집, vol.14 No.4 pp.111~118, 2014조국환
◾ 토목섬유와 시멘트처리채움재로 보강한 교량/토공 접속구조의 장기공용성 평가를 위한 실물가속시험, 한국철도학회논문집, vol.17 No.4 pp.251~259, 2014조국환
◾ An Analysis of the Quality of Repeated Plate Load Tests Using the Harmony Search Algorithm, JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 2014조국환
◾ Dynamic Analysis for Low Depth Track System Under Train and Car Moving Loads, 한국방재학회논문집, vol.13 No.4 pp.67~75, 2013조국환
◾ Determination of Optimized Blasting Pressure through Critical Volumetric Strain Monitoring, 한국방재학회논문집, vol.13 No.4 pp.191~197, 2013조국환
◾ Stability of Concrete Track above the Substructure Constructed by Non-opencut Method, 한국방재학회논문집, vol.13 No.3 pp.53~59, 2013조국환
◾ Numerical Analysis for Optimization Method of Support Stiffness in Railway Transition Zone, Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, vol.12 No.2 pp.65~70, 2012조국환
◾ Evaluation of Liquefaction Mitigation of RAP (Rammed Aggregate Piers), 한국방재학회논문집, vol.11 No.6 pp.175~181, 2011조국환
◾ A Study on Mechanical Property of Lightweight Foamed Concrete Using the Silica fume and Application in embankment, 한국방재학회논문집, vol.11 No.4 pp.151~156, 2011조국환
◾ A Study on the Reinforcement of Bridge Foundation in the Limestone Cavity, 한국방재학회논문집, vol.11 No.1 pp.51~57, 2011조국환
◾ A Study of Economic Aspects on 3-D Scanning Measurement during Tunnel Construction, 한국방재학회논문집, vol.10 No.2 pp.77~81, 2010조국환
Conference Papers
◾ 김영민, 박진용, 이주봉, 박정희, 조국환, Tunnel Influence Area on Air Tempaerature Conditions for Connecting North and South Korean Railway, Jounal of the Korean Society for Railway, 더케이호털, 경주, 2022조국환
◾ 황시내, 고성일, 조국환, 오정호, A Literature Review on Application of Filling Materaials in Reinforcing an Overbreak of Drainage Channel, Journal of the Korean Society for Railway, 세인트존스호텔(강릉), 2022조국환
◾ 강윤수, 조국환, A Study on Reduction Plans for Prevention of Freeze Damage on Railway Roadbed, Journal of the Korean Society for Railway, 제주, 휘닉스제주, 2021조국환
◾ 이세희, 조국환, 박종원, 백진호, 김지환, Freezing depth in Tunnel Lining Back Using Freezing Index, Journal of the Korean Society for Railway, 부산, 벡스코, 2021조국환
◾ 이세희, 조국환, 김용완, 박종원, 백진호, Prediction of Long Tunnel Freezing Distance according to Temperature Measurement in Gangneung Line, Journal of the Korean Society for Railway, 제주 해비치 호텔 & 리조트, 2020조국환
◾ 임성택, 이세희, 조국환, 3D Numerical Analysis of Ground Deformation Characteristics in Non-Open Cut Method, Geosynthetics Conference Fall 2019, 서울, 중앙대학교, 2019조국환
◾ 이세희, 조국환, 김효식, 이종일, 김진환, 백진호, Tunnel Influence Area Depending on Air Temperature Condition for Connecting North Korean Railway, Journal of the Korean Society for Railway, 여수 엑스포컨벤션센터, 2019조국환
◾ Park SungBum, Kim YoungMin, Kim Mina, Cho KookHwan, Complex Behavior Characteristics of the Ground Under Multi-Pressed in Pipes for Non-Open Cut Constructuion by Laboratory Tests, 11th International Conference on Building Design, Civil, Materials and Transportation Engineering, Grand Seasons Hotel, 2017조국환
◾ JA-YEON KIM, SUNG-BUM PARK, MI-NA KIM, KOOK-HWAN CHO, A Study on the Characteristics of Stress Release Zone According to Diameter of Steel Pipes by Non-open Cut Method, Journal of International Conference on Civil and Environmental Enginnering, Ramada hotel, 2017조국환
◾ 조국환, 박준익, 허철범, A Numerical Evaluation on Deformation Characteristics of Soil According to Diameter of Steel Pipe, Journal of Korean Geosynthetics Society, 대우푸르지오밸, 2017조국환
◾ 배상만, 이성혁, 조국환, Static stability analysis of remedy measure for the overbreaks in railway tunnel bottom, journal of korean society of railway, 제주 피닉스리조트, 2016조국환
◾ 김동환, 김승선, 조국, Economical Analysis on Pile-supported Embankment for Railway Construction, journal of korean society of railway, 제주 피닉스리조트, 2016조국환
◾ 강성욱,조국, A study on the ground investigation technique of railway using Pagani cone test, journal of korean society of railway, 제주 피닉스리조트, 2016조국환
◾ 오태환, 김종주, 이성혁, 조국, A Study on a long-term settlement of the embankment using shale rock in High Speed Railway, journal of korean society of railway, 제주 피닉스리조트, 2016조국환
◾ 이만희, 김지환, 조국환, A Study on a Pile foundation of Railway Bridge by Non-open cut Method, collected paper in symposium the autumn of The Korean Society for Railway, 여수디오션리조트, 2015조국환
◾ 이경석, 박양후, 조국, A study on the Application of railway using Pagani cone test, collected paper in symposium the autumn of The Korean Society for Railway, 여수디오션리조트, 2015조국환
◾ 박영진, 조국환, An Analytical Study on initial prestressed force change of earth anchor in fault Fracture, collected paper in symposium the autumn of The Korean Society for Railway, 여수디오션리조트, 2015조국환
◾ 황성근, 조국환, 표석훈, 최정열, 김지환, A study on the comparative analysis of railway design standards and international standards(UIC, EN), collected paper in symposium the autumn of The Korean Society for Railway, 여수디오션리조트, 2015조국환
◾ 박병주, 김자연, 조국환, 고속철도하중의 상부노반 전달에 관한 연구, 2015 Autumn Conference & Annual Meeting of the Korean society for railway, 여수디오션리조트, 2015조국환
◾ 우태영, 조국환, 흑운모 호상 편마암에서 RMR분류법을 통한 터널 지보등급 결정에 관한 연구, 2015 Autumn Conference & Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Railway, 여수디오션리조트, 2015조국환
◾ 김문수, 박양후, 조국, A Study on the Frost-Heaving Criteria of North Korean Railway according to Climate Condition Change, collected paper in symposium the autumn of The Korean Society for Railway, 여수디오션리조트, 2015조국환
◾ 박기주, 박종태, 조국환, NATM터널 지보재 침하 거동 및 레그파일 효과에 관한 연구, 2015 Autumn Conference & Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Railway, 여수디오션리조트, 2015조국환
◾ 이병연, 김자연, 조국, 철도노반 암성토구간의 장기변형 특성에 관한 연구, 2015 Autumn Conference & Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Railway, 여수디오션리조트, 2015조국환
◾ 이세희, 조국, Statistical analysis of residual settlement on embankment after constructing railway roadbed, collected paper in symposium the autumn of The Korean Society for Railway, 여수디오션리조트, 2015조국환
◾ 한승우, 조국환, 이진욱, A Study on the Correlation of Soft Clay Foundation judgment in Concrete track, Annual meeting of the korean society for railway, 목포신안비치호텔, 2015조국환
◾ 조국환 박양후 김자연, 철도구조물 접속부에서의 토압과 다짐도의 상관관계, Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Railway, 제주라마다프라자호텔, 2014조국환
◾ 조국환 사공명 김경, 토압식 쉴드터널 굴진자료 분석을 통한 굴착속도 연구, Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Railway, 제주라마다프라자호텔, 2014조국환
◾ 정승원, 김일환, 조국환, 철도자갈재료로서 고로슬래그의 적합성 분석, Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Railway, 제주라마다프라자호텔, 2014조국환
◾ 차영만, 조국환, 이성혁, A Study on the Suitability of Crushed Limestone Aggregates as Railroad Roadbed Material, Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Railway, 제주라마다프라자호텔, 2014조국환
◾ 백승주, 김효규, 김대상, 조국환, A Study on the Characteristic of the Railway Tunnel Frost Penetration Depth with the Variation of Outdoor Air Temperature of Frozen Ground (Focused on North Korea Area), Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Railway, 제주라마다프라자호텔, 2014조국환
◾ 김경용, 사공명, 조국, A Study of Replacement cycle of disk cutter for Earth pressure balance shield TBM method in Multiple ground layers of city railway, Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Railway, 제주라마다프라자호텔, 2014조국환
◾ 신현승, 사공명, 조국환, Usability study of Back analysis techniques through low depth railway tunnel caused by upper tunnel obstacle, Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Railway, 제주라마다프라자호텔, 2014조국환
◾ 박양후,정승원,우현준,조국환, A Study on Application of Piled-raft Method using Lightweight Foam Concrete in Soft Ground, Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Railway, 대구인터불고호텔, 2013조국환
◾ 김자연,박양후,조국환, Earth pressure reduction method in Railway bridge abutment using Geosynthetics Tube, Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Railway, 대구인터불고, 2013조국환
◾ 송호운, 이일화, 조국환, Selection Criterion of Track System according to Characteristic of Secondary Consolidation in Soft Ground, Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Railway, 대구인터불고, 2013조국환
◾ 백창진, 박승환, 조국환, A Study on the Behavior Characteristics with Different Loading case, Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Railway, 대구인터불고, 2013조국환
◾ 선오영, 김대상, 조국환, Computation with Replacement interval of Disc Cutter in Shield tunnel excavation, Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Railway, 대구인터불고, 2013조국환
◾ 김태식, 김대상, 사공명,, Analysis for vibration characteristics of Low Depth Track System under various ground conditions of structure surrounding, Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Railway, 대구인터불고, 2013조국환
◾ 이일화, 최원일, 조국환, 이주공, 홍은수, 이강명, Experimental study on reduction effect of earth pressure behind abutment for geosynthetic-reinforced abutment for railway, Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Railway, 대구인터불고, 2013조국환
◾ 이광재, 이성혁, 조국환, The Method to Prevent Releasing of the Stress nearby Sub-structure Constructed by Non-open cut Method, Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Railway, 대구인터불, 2013조국환
◾ 박동룡, 엄기영, 조국환, A Study on the stability of passing Construction Method under the Station Structure, Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Railway, 대구인터불고, 2013조국환
◾ 신효철, 신민호, 조국환, Analysis on the relationship of joint directions of fracture zone and collapse type in the railway tunnel, Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Railway, 대구인터불고, 2013조국환
◾ 이규용, 박종윤, 오지택, 조국환, A Study on Improvement the Transition Zone of Bridge and Embankment Using Reinforced Rail and Ball, Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Railway, 대구인터불고, 2013조국환
◾ 이원섭, 정승원, 조국환, Analysis of Contamination in the abandord Railway area, Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Railway, 대구인터불고, 2013조국환
◾ 김지선, 조국환, 이성혁, 이진욱, 류태진, 원상수, Applicability Evaluation of Asphalt Roadbed Considering Economical Efficiency, Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Railway, 대구인터불, 2013조국환
◾ 이훈재 이진욱 조국환, The Study on Railway Tunnel Reinforement Method in the Backfill Ground with High Water Pressure, The Korean Society for Railway, 경주코오롱호텔, 2012조국환
◾ 박양후 김진팔 이원섭 조국환, Load distribution characteristics of temporary bridge bearing supporting subway Box structure under construction sequence, The Korean Society for Railway, 경주코오롱호텔, 2012조국환
◾ 장성익 이진욱 조국환, Stability analysis of the station structure about vibration cased by the passage train, The Korean Society for Railway, 경주코오롱호텔, 2012조국환
◾ 권혁일 염태중 조국환, The Behavior Characteristic of Transition Zone Existence around Substructure using 3-Dimension Moving load, The Korean Society for Railway, 경주코오롱호텔, 2012조국환
◾ 오동천 사공명 조국환, The Study on the Analysis of Delay Factor Using Delphi Method for Earth Pressure Balance Shield TBM method, The Korean Society for Railway, 경주코오롱호텔, 2012조국환
◾ 정재형 조국환 이일화, A Study on the Behavior of a Railway Bridge reflect Construction Characteristics in Transitional Zone, The Korean Society for Railway, 경주코오롱호텔, 2012조국환
◾ 김유형 박양후 백창진 조국환, A study on application of piled-raft method using lightweight foamed concrete in railway roadbed, The Korean Society for Railway, 경주코오롱호텔, 2012조국환
◾ 박윤식 이준석 조국환, A study on the lateral Earth Pressure and Stress Relaxation Region According to the Infinitesimal Deformation of the Wall and Backside Earth Built by Non-excavation Method Under Railroad, The Korean Society for Railway, 제주 라마다 호텔, 2011조국환
◾ 김창수 엄기영 조국환, Numerical Study of Interactions Between Cross Railway Tunnels, The Korean Society for Railway, 제주 라마다 호, 2011조국환
◾ 박종호 엄기영 조국환, A Study on Optimized Blasting Pressure Considering Damage Zone for Railway Tunnel, The Korean Society for Railway, 제주 라마다 호텔, 2011조국환
◾ 한창용 이준석 조국환, The Study about Reduction of Frost-heaving in Railway Small Structures, The Korean Society for Railway, 제주 라마다 호텔, 2011조국환
◾ 김종칠, 사공명, 조국환, Back-Calculated P-y curves from Lateral Load Tests for Railway Bridge Foundation, The Korean Society for Railway, 제주 라마다 호텔, 2011조국환
◾ 전병묵 엄기영 조국환, Track Stability in Accordance with the Depth of Soil above Box Structures Constructed by Non-excavation Method on Railway Embankment, The Korean Society for Railway, 제주 라마다 호텔, 2011조국환
◾ 임광만 엄기영 조국환, A Study on railway noise prediction and reduction of PSC-beam bridge, The Korean Society for Railway, 제주 라마다 호텔, 2011조국환
◾ 정재형 신민호 조국환, A Study on Disposal Method of Non-Point Pollutant of the Rolling Stock Depot, The Korean Society for Railway, 제주 라마다 호텔, 2011조국환
◾ 박정현 조국환 사공명 김효규, A Study on the Method of Quantitative Risk Analysis in Railway Tunnels, The Korean Society for Railway, 제주 라마다 호텔, 2011조국환
◾ 우현준 이승주 강윤석 조국환, A Study on the Supportive Stiffness in Transitional Zones through Moving Load-Based Three-Dimensional Modeling, The Korean Society for Railway, 제주 라마다 호텔, 2011조국환
◾ 류창열 이슬 김대상 조국환, P-y Curves from Large Displacement Borehole Testmeter for, The Korean Society for Railway, 제주 라마다 호텔, 2011조국환
◾ 김현주, 이일화, 조국환, A Study on Transferred Load Reduction effect of Low Elastic Pad through Dynamic Response Analysis, The Korean Society for Railway, 제주 라마다 호텔, 2011조국환
◾ 김정성 김대상 조국환, Experimental Study on the Connection between RC Footing and Steel Pile according to Rail loads, The Korean Society for Railway, 제주 라마다 호텔, 2011조국환
◾ 조인규,사공명,조국환, Stability of Structure Transition Zone using Lightweight Concrete, 한국철도학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2010조국환
◾ 박근영,김대상,조국, A Study on the Creep Phase of Railway Embankment under Cyclic Loading, 한국철도학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2010조국환
◾ 김종호,사공명,조국, A Study on the Application of Air Trapped Soil for Railroad Construction Considering Tensile Characteristic, 한국철도학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2010조국환
◾ 안종혁,황선근,조국환, Study on Deformation Prediction of Single Pile under Railway Moving Load, 한국철도학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2010조국환
◾ 정갑영, 엄기영, 조국환, End Bearing Capacity Characteristics of Gneiss Socketed Drilled Shafts, 한국철도학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2010조국환
◾ 정성봉, 김시곤, 이원영, 조국환, Plans for Vitalization of Rilroad Projects (Based on Evaluation Methodology for Investment), 한국철도학회 추계학술대회 논문집, 2010조국환
◾ 이에이리 료타 이성혁 엄기영 조국환 김성일 신정열, (건설의 미래를 바꾸는) 알기 쉬운 BIM 활용법, 역서, 9791168560475, CIR, 2022조국환
◾ 이성혁, 지반공학에서의 성능설계, 역서, 979-11-5610-020-1, 씨아이알, 2014조국환
◾ 지반 고결용 우레탄과 시멘트를 포함하는 연약지반 보강 및 침하구조물 복원에 관한 조성물 및 이를 이용한 시공방법, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2017조국환
◾ 무수축 그라우트재 조성물 및 이를 이용한 그라우팅 방법, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2015조국환
◾ 공내재하시험기용 링크식 프로브와 이를 이용한 공내재하시험방법, 그리고 그 공내재하시험을 통한 매입말뚝의 지지력분석방법, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2013조국환
◾ 철도구조물 접속부 해석적 검토 및 자갈도상안정화 기술 기획, 국토교통과학기술진흥원, 2019.12.~2020.12.조국환
◾ 대곡~소사 복선전철 건설공사 경인고속국도 통과구간 GPR탐사, (주)동아지질, 2019.06.~2020.06.조국환
◾ 수도권광역급행철도 A노선 민간투자사업 실시설계-TBM하부채움설계, (주)도화엔지니어링, 2019.04.~2019.08.조국환
◾ 노후터널의 혹한기 내한성 증진방안 수립, 한국철도기술연구원, 2019.04.~2021.10.조국환
◾ Gripper TBM 하부 채움재 검토, 주식회사 케이알티씨, 2019.04.~2019.08.조국환
◾ 철도 터널내 바닥 여굴 채움재에 따른 궤도 진동영향 저감방안 제시, 국토교통과학기술진흥원, 2019.04.~2021.12.조국환
◾ TBM터널 하부 버림콘크리트 적용시 열차이동에 따른 공진과의 상관관계 연구, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2020.02.조국환
◾ 북한철도 연결을 위한 노반 건설기준 제·개정 연구 용역(총체, 제1차), 한국철도시설공단, 2019.01.~2019.12.조국환
◾ 호남고속철도 4-4공구 중 지반조사용역, (주)한진중공업 건설부문, 2018.09.~2019.04.조국환
◾ 글로벌 철도연수과정 지원사업, 사단법인 한국철도협회, 2018.08.~2021.08.조국환
◾ 20170421 노반침하 지반조사 용역, 삼성물산(주), 2018.07.~2018.10.조국환
◾ 호남고속철도차량기지 노반침하 보수관련 용역, 대림산업(주), 2018.06.~2018.12.조국환
◾ 호남고속철도 5-2공구 토공노반 지반조사, 삼환기업(주), 2018.04.~2018.08.조국환
◾ 고속철도 콘크리트궤도 토공노반 보강 및 복원 방법에 대한 연구, (주)대한하이텍건설, 2018.03.~2018.07.조국환
◾ 사질토 지반의 비개착공법 시공시 지표침하량 예측식 제안, 산학협력단, 2018.03.~2019.02.조국환
◾ 호남고속철도 4-3공구 토공노반 지반조사, 케이씨씨건설, 2018.01.~2018.06.조국환
◾ 호남고속철도 5-1공구 토공노반 지반조사, 금호산업(주), 2017.11.~2018.06.조국환
◾ 호남고속철도 3-4공구 토공노반 지반조사, 에이치디씨현대산업개발 주식회사, 2017.11.~2018.06.조국환
◾ 지하횡단 공사에 따른 지반변형특성 평가 및 SEM 공법 수치해석 기법 개발, 국토교통과학기술진흥원, 2017.06.~2020.01.조국환
◾ 발파실험과 내진해석을 통한 Anchor의 동적 저항성에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2017.06.~2018.05.조국환
◾ 300km/h 이상 고속화에 따른 고속철도 선형관리기준 개정을 위한 기초 연구, 국토교통과학기술진흥원, 2017.04.~2018.12.조국환
◾ 호남고속철도 3-1공구 토공노반 지반조사, 동부건설 (주), 2017.03.~2018.04.조국환
◾ 도심지 저토피 구간 굴착시 변위제한 대응형 비개착 지하횡단공법 개발, 국토교통과학기술진흥원, 2017.02.~2017.06.조국환
◾ 철도 특성화대학원 지원사업, 국토교통부, 2017.01.~2017.12.31.조국환
◾ 원주~강릉철도건설 제 3-2공구 노반신설 기타공사(고성토부 장기침하 분석 용역), 두산중공업(주), 2015.11.~2016.10.조국환
◾ 급결시멘트와 우레탄을 이용한 지반보강 및 복원 방법에 대한 연구, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2015.10.~2016.09.조국환
◾ 원주-강릉 3-1공구 생운교 기초 안정성 검토, 대야산업(주), 2015.07.~2015.08.조국환
◾ 구조물접속부 궤도시설물 진단용역, 코레일공항철도 주식회사, 2015.06.~2015.06.조국환
◾ 토목섬유튜브를 이용한 접속부 설계기준 개발, 국토교통과학기술진흥원, 2015.04.~2018.06.조국환
◾ 호남고속철도 차량기지 건설공사 중 지반조사 및 지반강성측정 용역, 대림산업(주), 2015.01.~2015.01.조국환
◾ 국제철도화물 통관, 환적, 추적시스템 현황 및 북한/동북아 화차현황 조사,분석, 국토교통부(구,국토해양부), 2014.12.~2015.12.조국환
◾ DEW 지압식 영구앵커의 진동저항성 및 인발특성 연구, (주)지오텍코리아, 2014.11.~2015.01.조국환
◾ 국가 경쟁력 강화를 위한 철도건설기준 선진화 연구, 국토교통과학기술진흥원(구,한국건설교통기술평가원), 2014.11.~2018.06.조국환
◾ 토목섬유튜브를 이용한 접속부의 설계기준 개발, 국토교통과학기술진흥원(구,한국건설교통기술평가원), 2013.12.~2015.04.조국환
◾ 부전-마산간 복선전철 민간투자사업에 따른 개착구조물 하부지반 고압분사 그라우팅 보강검토, (주)천일, 2013.06.~2013.12.조국환
◾ 서울지하철 9호선 3단계 923공구 건설공사 중 설계토압 저감방안 연구용역, 대림산업(주), 2012.12.~2014.06.조국환
◾ 서동탄역 운영손실금 저감방안 연구용역, 화성시청, 2012.09.~2013.04.조국환
◾ 총장 공모제 시행 관련 세부 추진 방안, 산학협력단, 2012.08.~2012.11.조국환
◾ 장변위 공내재하 시험기를 이용한 말뚝의 수평거동에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.08.조국환
◾ 한계체적변형률 계측을 통한 최적발파압력 선정에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.08.조국환
◾ 저심도 철도 인프라 구축에 따른 강성천이 구간 해석, 지식경제부, 2012.03.~2012.12.조국환
◾ 철도 시설 지역에서 발생하는 강우 유출수 내 오염물질 저감방안, 한국건설교통기술평가원, 2012.03.~2015.04.조국환
◾ 이동하중을 고려한 접속부의 아스팔트 궤도 3차원 해석 및 설계, 지식경제부, 2012.03.~2012.12.조국환
◾ 계측해석 및 안정성 검토용역, GS건설(주), 2011.10.~2013.12.조국환
◾ 철도노반하부 통과구간의 지지강성차 저감 방안, 한국건설교통기술평가원, 2011.09.~2014.10.조국환
◾ 구조물-토공 접속부 노반 강성차 완화방안 연구, 한국철도시설공단, 2011.07.~2012.12.조국환
◾ 서해선(홍성~송산)복선전철 5공구 T/K 건설공사 기술자문 (진동대 시험), (주)동일기술공사, 2011.04.~2011.12.조국환
◾ 수도권고속철도(수서~평택) 제9공구 건설공사 입찰설계중 진동대실험을 통한 내진안정성검토, (주)유신, 2010.06.~2010.09.조국환
◾ 장변위 공내재하시험기를 이용한 수평지지력의 결정 및 활용방안에 대한 연구, 태안특수건설(주), 2010.06.~2012.10.조국환
◾ 인천월미모노레일 적정공기 산정, 한신공영주식회사, 2010.06.~2010.08.조국환
◾ 수도권 고속철도(수서-평택) 제9공구 건설공사(T/K) 기본설계 용역, (주)삼안, 2010.06.~2010.12.조국환
◾ 경부고속철도 제6-2공구 연약지반처리 검토, 금강인프라건설(주), 2010.04.~2010.05.조국환
◾ 2017년도 연구분야 우수교원, 2017년도 연구분야 우수교원 표창, 서울과학기술대학교 산학협력단, 2020조국환
◾ A Study of Technique for Evaluating Stiffness Using Pagani Cone Test on Subgrade, 우수논문발표상, The Korean Society for Railway, 2018조국환

Faculty of the Korea Railway Research Institute
Name Degree Major Education
Ji-taek Oh
(Outside Head Professor)
Ph.D. in Engineering Civil Engineering Inha University
Sin-chu Yang Ph.D. in Engineering Track Engineering KAIST
Man-cheol Kim Ph.D. in Engineering Structural Engineering KAIST
Seong-hyeok Lee Ph.D. in Engineering Civil Engineering Ajou University
Jin-wuk Lee Ph.D. in Engineering Civil Engineering Ajou University
Min-ho Shin Ph.D. in Engineering Geotechnical Engineering Chungang University
Dae-sang Kim Ph.D. in Engineering Geotechnical Engineering University of Tokyo
Seong-iIl Kim Ph.D. in Engineering Structural Dynamics Seoul National University
An-ho Lee Ph.D. in Engineering Civil Engineering Chungang University
Jun-seok Lee Ph.D. in Engineering Tunnel Engineering Univ. of Swansea, UK
Yun-seok Gang Ph.D. in Engineering Track Engineering Korea University
Myeong Sagong Ph.D. in Engineering Tunnel Engineering Purdue Univ., USA
Hui-eop Lee Ph.D. in Engineering Structural Engineering Inha University
Jin-yu Choe Ph.D. in Engineering Track Engineering Korea University

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